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Dual Licensee Spotlight

The Board of Licensure would like to shine a spotlight on some of the talented dual licensed professionals who practice in the State of Mississippi.  Licensees featured on this page are selected randomly.

June 2024 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Brian Childs, P.E., P.L.S

Brian Childs, PE, PLS

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Brian Childs, P.E, P.L.S.  Brian is a graduate of both Northeast Mississippi Community College and Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  Brian is one of those rare breeds (both an #engineer and a #surveyor) and we relish the opportunity to brag about him. 

In true #engineer fashion, he bulleted his responses.

Learn more about Brian and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1. Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

  • I chose engineering because I enjoy all aspects of constructing things.  From the planning phase, to design/layouts, to construction, and to seeing it through to the finished product.  I enjoy all the problem solving within each phase. 
  • I also enjoy being in public service which is why I have worked with MDOT my entire professional career. I worked through the Co-operative program at Mississippi State with MDOT in the Corinth Project Office for 4 semesters prior to graduation.  Then after graduation I spent the first 9 years of my career in the Holly Springs Project Office as an Engineer In Training and a Project Engineer.  The last 11 years I have been the District Maintenance Engineer for District 2, so now I enjoy maintaining what has been constructed. I enjoy knowing what we build and maintain will hopefully make everyone’s life a little better and most importantly safer as they travel.    
  • I also love the balance that it brings of being outdoors, and in the office.  

Q2.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering and / or surveying?

  • First and foremost make sure to find something that you enjoy, so that when you wake up in the morning you don’t dread going to work. 
  • Then Engineering and Surveying has such a wide variety of opportunities that you surely will find one that excites you.  Engineering and Surveying is also a very rewarding career not only with providing you with a good living, but in knowing that you can make a difference in other people’s lives.

Q3. What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have.

  • I received my Professional Engineer license in Mississippi in June 2006.
  • I received my Professional Surveyor license in Mississippi in June 2009.

Q4. What is your favorite quote?

  • Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”

Q5. How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses?

  • Professional Engineer – 15 years
  • Professional Surveyor – 12 years
  • I am not licensed in any other states

Q6. Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

  • There’s really not a specific recent project to point to, because with being the District Maintenance Engineer these last 11 years has brought on so many different aspects of the engineering and surveying field.  It really adds to the enjoyment of the problem solving side by it literally feeling like you are tackling some different type of issue every 15 minutes.  Being on the maintenance side we tackle all sorts of different aspects within MDOT from budgeting the annual funds that we receive, to performing routine maintenance of highways, to designing and reconstructing areas of the highways for various reasons to make them safer for the traveling public.   We also are tasked with reviewing and approving access to MDOT Rights of Way for residential and commercial driveways, and public utilities.  Among many other operations.

Q7. Why is professional licensure important to you?

  • It is an accountability for your work that impacts so many different lives.  It also holds us accountable for continual learning in order to keep striving to find ways to make what we do even safer for those same lives.

December 2023 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Danny LeRoy Rick, Jr., P.E., P.S.

Danny LeRoy Rick, Jr.The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Danny LeRoy Rick, Jr., P.E, P.S.  Danny is a graduate of Louisiana State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Land Surveying.  We've said it before that we like #Engineers and #Surveyors around here and when we get to recognize someone who is both, even that much more.  

Learn more about Danny and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

"My grandfather was a licensed civil engineer and land surveyor. He was my mentor from the age of 16 when I started working at his land surveying firm. "

 Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi, and do you also hold other state licenses?

"I've been licensed as a Professional Engineer and Professional Surveyor in the State of Mississippi since May and October 2021, respectively.  I'm also licensed as a Professional Engineer in the States of Florida and Louisiana as well as a Professional Surveyor in Louisiana."

Q3.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"Engineering and surveying both are very rewarding fields to pursue a career in. Each job/project has its own challenges thus yielding a great sense of reward and accomplishment upon completion."

Q4.  What is your favorite quote?

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – either way you're right" - Henry Ford

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / surveyor?  

"Recently I was tasked with repurposing an existing structure at a Petro-Chemical facility.  The client allowed me to stretch my imagination with some of their input to create a three-story outdoor facility to help train individuals in personnel rescue and firefighting. The project proved to be both challenging and rewarding, while unique and complex."          

Q6. Why is professional licensure important to you?

"Professional Licensure is important to me because it allows me to advance further in my field than those who aren't licensed. Additionally, I feel a sense of pride and responsibility every time a project leaves the office with my stamp and signature."

May 2023 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Mark Alexander Whitney, P.E., P.S.

Mark Whitney, PE, PS

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Mark Whitney, P.E, P.S.  Mark is a graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  We like surveyors and engineers around here and when we get to recognize someone who is both, even more.

Learn more about Mark and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

"My brother, who is four years older than me, attended MSU to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering.  Before I graduated high school I did a book report on bridges.  The book interested me in showing how many different types and styles of bridges existed.  Neither of my parents had a college degree and my mother was insistent that I go somewhere to college to attain a college degree.  Thus, since I was interested in bridges, I enrolled at Mississippi State University to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering."

 Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi, and do you also hold other state licenses?

"I've been licensed as a Professional Engineer in Mississippi since 1995 and licensed as a Professional Surveyor in Mississippi since 1997."

Q3.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"My advice is to pursue a career that interests you.  I've heard it said that if you enjoy what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life."

Q4.  What is your favorite quote?

"God is great, Beer is good, and People are Crazy" - Billy Currington

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / surveyor?  

"There have been so many projects over the years that it's hard to pick just one.  So, I'll say in general, bridge projects have given me the most sense of fulfillment.  Perhaps that's because I read a book about bridges when I was in high school which led me to the career field of Civil Engineering.  

Just like engineering, there have been a lot of surveying projects over the years which have been interesting projects.  I suppose the most fulfillment I've gotten as a surveyor is when you can find evidence of the original intent of a land conveyance.  I've said for years and believe wholeheartedly, that boundary surveying is not about the measurements but is about the evidence."          

Q6. Why is professional licensure important to you?

"Professional licensure is an achievement which can be used for the benefit of my state, my community, my friends and my family.  For me, it carries with it the connotation of striving to provide my best in what I do."

March 2023 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Dan Cordell, P.E., P.S.

Danny "Dan" Wallace Cordell, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Danny "Dan" Wallace Cordell, P.E, P.S.  Dan is a graduate of both Mississippi Delta Community College and Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  As you will see in an article that he penned for our Spring newsletter (set to debut early March 2023), Dan is a huge proponent of utilizing and supporting local resources, community and junior colleges, among them.  We were impressed by this and equally so by his commitment to recruiting and growing local talent. 

Learn more about Dan and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

"My interest in engineering and surveying was sparked by my strong mathematical aptitude and a natural inclination for disassembling and fixing things. Naturally, many people suggested engineering as a potential career for me. When I started college, I knew I was going into engineering, but I was uncertain which discipline suited me best. It wasn't until I was offered the opportunity to intern for a local civil engineering and surveying company that I realized it was the perfect fit for me. I witnessed the essential interconnection between civil engineers and surveyors and the importance of obtaining both licenses to provide a complete package of services. The individual who offered me that internship, G. Wayne Gardner, PE, PLS, became a vital mentor to me and others. I have always cherished the fact that he signed my P.E. license when he was serving as the President of the Board of Registration. This experience solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in civil engineering and surveying."

 Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi, and do you also hold other state licenses?

"I have been a licensed professional engineer in Mississippi since 2000 and a Professional Land Surveyor in Mississippi since 2001.  I have also held a Professional Engineering license in Arkansas since 2002."

Q3.  What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc.)?

"If I could go back and speak to my younger self at various stages of my academic journey, I would offer the following advice:

As a high school student, I found the coursework relatively easy, but I failed to develop the time management and discipline skills that I would need later for college-level courses. Therefore, I would urge my high school self to learn and develop these skills, as they are crucial for success in college and beyond.

In college, I was so focused on completing the degree and moving on to the next phase of life that I neglected to appreciate the larger picture. Looking back, I realize that college is merely the beginning of a lifelong journey that is your career. Therefore, I would advise my college self to get more involved with the engineering department activities and participate in activities with other engineering students to enhance my understanding of coursework and establish the relationships and networks that would prove invaluable throughout my career." 

Q4.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"As someone who often engages in conversations with young people interested in STEM careers like engineering or surveying, I share the things that I love about what I do and then I describe the variety of roles that engineers and surveyors play in the construction, consulting, and government sectors. However, the only way to know for sure is to gain firsthand experience, so I suggest finding a company in the sector that interests them and discussing opportunities to shadow or intern. This will allow them to gain valuable insight into the work of engineers and surveyors and determine if it is the right career path for them."

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / surveyor?  

"I recently had the opportunity to work on a project that exemplifies why I love being an engineer and surveyor. It was a new 25-acre Soccer Complex that required planning, surveying, designing, and construction administration across several different sub-disciplines of civil engineering and surveying. What I particularly enjoyed about this project was that it included a little bit of everything, but also the satisfaction of seeing it all come together and the excitement around its completion and use.

The project started with a preliminary planning and conceptual phase to determine the best location for the complex while minimizing the environmental impact. We also had to perform a boundary survey and property acquisition services for an additional four acres. A topographic survey was then used to design the site grading and drainage plan for seven soccer fields, a perimeter roadway, a two-acre lake, a raw water supply and irrigation system, site lighting plan, potable water supply, a sanitary sewer main, a 130’ long concrete retaining wall, and two separate parking lots. To estimate undercut areas and construction requirements, geotechnical work was performed. We also installed a hybrid Bermuda grass playing surface with a sand bed layer, irrigated with a grid of raw water supply lines ranging in size from 6” to 12”. A lake was formed as an aesthetic feature for an on-site restaurant dining area and also served as a storage reservoir for the irrigation raw water system. A raw water pump station was designed to draw water out of the lake to supply the spray heads, and a groundwater supply well was installed to replenish the lake level during irrigation.

The project was not without challenges, such as watching over multiple trades at the same time, but it was a success, and the Soccer Complex is now in its second year of use. This project was a perfect example of how engineering and surveying can bring together several different sub-disciplines to create a complete package that can benefit the community and be enjoyed by many."          

Q6. Why is professional licensure important to you?

"With a primary obligation to protect the safety, health and welfare of the public, our licensure sets the bar (the standard) and it requires us to continue to learn and improve our knowledge and experience in our specific trade as technology and techniques around us improve so that we stay competent in our work. While college gave us the foundation for us as engineers and surveyors to build upon, it was the practical experience and growth in knowledge of our specific trade that allowed us to become licensed.  The licensure requirements push us to continue to grow in experience and knowledge of our specific expertise to stay competent in our work."

September 2022 Dual Licensee Spotlight:  William C. "Bill" Mitchell, P.E., P.S., CCM

William C. "Bill" Mitchell, P.E, P.S., CCMThe Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee and Board President William C. "Bill" Mitchell.  Mr. Mitchell is a graduate of Mississippi State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters Degree in Public Policy and Administration.  He currently serves as Senior Engineering Advisor at Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc. in their Gulfport, Mississippi office. 

Learn more about Mr. Mitchell and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

"In high school I  enjoyed math and science courses. While in high school I had an older friend who attended Mississippi State University and he was in Electrical Engineering. He encouraged me to pursue engineering, so I started at MSU in electrical Engineering but did not enjoy the electrical courses. After talking with other engineering students and professors,  I realized I would enjoy civil engineering and switched majors and joined the CO-OP (on the job training) program. The work experience and degree ensured me several job opportunities during a period of low employment, so I knew I had made some good choices. Once I began my career, I realized the importance of the surveying work and decided to secure a license in surveying, also."

Q2.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"I would recommend to any young person interested in a STEM career to talk with many working people in STEM professions to try and determine which field you  feel you will enjoy. Then investigate the best education you can pursue for this field. If you get a good foundation and education in a STEM field, you will have gained critical thinking skills. With these abilities you may end up working in your study field or  another related field solving problems and imagining the future. I have friends that are in management positions as doctors, lawyers and bankers that have engineering degrees." 

Q3.  What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have?

"I have been licensed in Mississippi in surveying since 1977 and in engineering since 1979. I have also been nationally licensed in Construction Management since 2016."

Q4.  What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc.)?

"I would have to remind myself to be set aside more time for family. Most engineers and surveyors are very conscientious individuals and its easy to spend too much time at work and not enough time with family and friends."

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

"I have worked on many interesting projects in my career including water, wastewater, waterfront structures, roads, storm drains, and other civil works projects; this makes it difficult to select one project. A fairly recent project that was very interesting was a concrete silo project for the Port of Gulfport that consists of 15 silos that stores and blends ore for the Chemours Plant. The silos can store approximately 200,000 tons of ore so the structures were remarkable to design so as to handle these unusual loads. The varied work experiences I've had, in addition to providing me an enjoyable career, have also given me the skills necessary to work on a variety of civil projects for Engineers Without Borders." 

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you?

"In the engineering vocation, all improvements must be designed to function in a safe manner. This applies to a bridge, a machine part, a heat exchanger, or a tile on a Mars rocket. In the Civil Engineering and Surveying fields, most surveys and civil works projects are designed by licensed engineers and surveyors. I feel everyone working in the surveying and engineering fields should pursue licensure. The professional license displays a commitment to the vocation along with ethics and the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public."

February 2022 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Haley N. Dickens, E.I, S.I.

Haley N. Dickens, E.I, S.I.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual enrollee (licensee) Haley N. Dickens, E.I, S.I..  This is a first for us and we are so excited to shine a spotlight on Haley's accomplishment as both an engineer and surveyor intern.  There are very few women in engineering and even fewer in surveying.  With Haley we are hopeful that the tide is turning and we will begin to see more enrollees and licensees like her. We were also very impressed with Haley's selection of quotes and the driving force behind her.

Haley is a graduate of Mississippi State University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  Learn more about Haley and why professional licensure is important to her below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

"I started thinking about Civil Engineering as a career in 8th grade. My dad is a civil engineer. He occasionally picked me up from school and I would spend the rest of the work day at his office. Listening to him and the other engineers talk about projects or seeing some of the things he was working on peaked my interest.  I prayed about it and by my sophomore year of high school, I was settled it was the route I was supposed to take. Once in college, I took the required general surveying class my freshman year of college and felt lead to look more into it. I ended up taking all the surveying courses offered at Mississippi State while getting my Bachelor’s for Civil Engineering. I love my career in Civil Engineering and Surveying, and I am confident God has placed me exactly where I need to be."

Q2.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"STEM fields are not a walk in the park. They can be very rewarding fields, but you have to put in the effort. The more effort you put into a project and the more you care about what you are doing, the more rewarding it is when you finally step back and see the finished result. If you are set on going into a STEM field, put 100% of your effort into it 100% of the time." 

Q3.  What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have?

I am dual licensed in Mississippi as both a Engineer and Surveyor Intern.

Q4.  What is your favorite quote?

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” Colossians 3:23 

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

I want everything in my career to be done for the honor and glory of God. I want others to know what Jesus did for me, and I want others to realize how much He loves them. That is my goal in my professional and personal life.

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

"It’s hard to pick just one! Each project is different from the last. Seeing and solving the unique challenges each project presents is one of the reasons why I love my career. I love putting each piece of the puzzle together on a project to produce the desired result." 

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you?

"Professional licensure to me is the next practical step and a personal goal of mine. It would help display my experience and dedication to my fields."

January 2022 Dual Licensee Spotlight: William Scott White, P.E., P.S.

W. Scott White, P.E., P.S.The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee William Scott White, P.E. , P.S.  Mr. White is the Assistant District Engineer - Construction for the Sixth District office of the Mississippi Department of Transportation.  He is a graduate of the College of Engineering at Mississippi State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1992.

We very much appreciate the pride he takes in his work and how it has contributed to the growth and safety of the roadway system in Mississippi.  We also like his advice regarding planning and got a chuckle from his favorite quote.  Thanks for sharing it with us.  It's a keeper.   

Learn more about Mr. White and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

I knew I wanted to be an engineer at an early age.  I worked as a construction helper during summer breaks while in high school and have always been fascinated with any type of structure from drainage to bridges.  With a little research in high school, I knew that Civil Engineering was the right profession for me.

Q2.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

Skills in math and science have always and continue to be in high demand.  I would recommend taking as many math and physical science courses that are offered at your school and never let anyone tell you that you cannot succeed.  

Q3.  What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have?

I am dual licensed in Mississippi as both a Professional Engineer and a Professional Land Surveyor.  I began my carrier with the Louisiana Department of Transportation in 1992 where I received my engineering licenses in 1996.  I moved back to Mississippi in 1999 and was licensed as a Professional Engineer and as a Professional Surveyor in 2004.

Q4.  What is your favorite quote?

Never be afraid to alter your plan.  To quote the great philosopher Mike Tyson “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

It is with great pride and satisfaction that I had the opportunity to construct a portion of the 1987 Highway Program.  I was able to help implement this program with the construction of new four lane highways throughout the south east region of the state.  It is with equal pride to continuously enhance and upgrade this infrastructure to this very day.

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you?

Professional Licensure is important to ensure the safety, health and welfare of the public and to maintain the public’s trust in our profession.

December 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Peter Nimrod, P.E., P.S.

Peter Nimrod, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Peter Nimrod, P.E. , P.S..  Mr. Nimrod is the Chief Engineer of the Mississippi Levee Board in Greenville, MS. He is a graduate of Auburn University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. After graduating in 1992 he started working at W.L. Burle, Engineers, P.A. as a project engineer. He started working at the Mississippi Levee Board as an Assistant Engineer in 1999 and in 2004 he was named the Chief Engineer.    

Learn more about Mr. Nimrod and why professional licensure is important to him below.

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

My father was a licensed mechanical engineer and my strongest subjects in school were math and science. More importantly during high school I worked for W.L. Burle, Engineers, P.A. which is a terrific civil engineering consulting firm.

Q2.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

With an engineering or surveying degree you can always find a job. Opportunities are available in every job sector – industry, public and private. The education received in obtaining an engineering degree can lead to other career opportunities outside the engineering world.  

Q3.  What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have?

I am dual licensed in Mississippi as both a Professional Engineer and a Professional Land Surveyor.  I’ve been licensed in Mississippi since 1997.

Q4.  What is your favorite quote?

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” – Thomas Jefferson

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

The Mississippi Levee Board has been working on the Yazoo Backwater Pump Project since 1941 when it was authorized by Congress. Unfortunately the Pumps have been tripped up many times over the years – mostly due to misinformation spread by national environmental groups. I have enjoyed working with the talented engineers and scientists at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in developing a great project that will not only provide flood control benefits but will also provide environmental benefits with an ecosystem restoration feature that is revolutionary and state-of-the-art. I get a lot of satisfaction in educating people and groups and showing them the engineering, the facts and the truth about the project and seeing them understand, agree and start advocating for the project.

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you?

After graduating from Auburn, my first goal (outside of paying off my student loan) was obtaining my Professional Engineering License and my second goal was obtaining my Professional Land Surveying License. Licensure is the ultimate goal of an engineer or surveyor.  Working under great engineers and mentors gave me the experience needed and the exams tested my knowledge and competency in engineering.

November 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Jordan Bledsoe, P.E., P.S.

Jordan Bledsoe, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Jordan Bledsoe, P.E. , P.S..  Mr. Bledsoe is a 2004 graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  We like his path to engineering because it highlights how seeing and hearing from engineers and surveyors can introduce others to the profession.    

Learn more about Mr. Bledsoe and why professional licensure is important to him below.  He also shared some great quotes with us.

Q1. Why did you choose engineering or who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

One of my high school teachers had an alumni, that worked for NASA, talk to us about engineering.  He said “if you are good in math and science, engineering is for you”.  I thought to myself, hey I’m good in those.  The rest is history.

Q2. What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

Find a local engineering or surveying firms and ask to shadow an engineer/surveyor for a day/week.  Inquire about working during the summer. 

Q3. What state(s) are you licensed in and what certifications do you have?

I was licensed in Mississippi as both a PE and PLS in 2011.  I am also licensed as a PE in the states of Arkansas (2012), and Tennessee (2009) and I'm licensed as a PLS in the state of Tennessee (2012).

Q4. What is your favorite quote?  I have several.

  • God put you on this Earth to do more than draw a paycheck and draw breath. – Kevin Ezell
  • A gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger.
  • You can’t pay someone enough to care. 
  • Comparison is the thief of joy. – Teddy Roosevelt
  • If it wasn’t for lawyers, you wouldn’t need any.

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

I work for the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as our Work for Others Technical Manager.  We are currently supporting a portion of the Coastal Storm Risk Management Program: Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay in Port Arthur, Texas.  The objective is to reduce the risks to life safety and damages from coastal flooding caused by tropical storms and hurricanes.  The project includes: levee raises, levee extensions, floodwalls and closure gates.

We have also provided reachback engineering services to support the forward deployed warfighter.  Projects have included: training facilities, power generation, force protection, roadways, utilities, housing, airfield paving, hangars and submittal reviews. 

Whether it’s reducing the risk of storm surge, reducing risk of riverine flooding or supporting the warfighter, I love the fact we are taking care of people.

Q6. Why is professional licensure important to you?

Professional licensure protects the health, safety and welfare of the general public in part by holding those licensed to a higher ethical standard.  Licensure requires a combination of education and experience as well as professional references.

June 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: William (Billy) Francis Waits, P.E., P.S.

William Francis Waits, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee William (Billy) Francis Waits.  Billy is a graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and he works currently as a Development Director with Forestar (USA) Real Estate Group, Inc. in Tennessee.  Billy's words regarding co-oping (cooperative education) really resonated with us as this is great opportunity to gain exposure and experience in your degree / career field.  We highly recommend cooperative education or job shadowing or volunteering with engineering and /or surveying firm as a great way to learn about the field of engineering.      

Learn more about Billy and why professional licensure is important to him below:

Q1. Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

I was always fascinated with heavy construction. I didn’t know that I really liked surveying too, until I began working in a consulting firm and realized how much surveying  and engineering were interwoven.

 Q2. How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses?

I have been licensed as a PE and PLS in Mississippi since 1994. I also maintain a PE license in Tennessee.

Q3. What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

I wish that I would have Co-Op’d during college. I think this is an invaluable opportunity to be exposed to the construction industry at an early stage of academia. I would highly recommend this or similar job opportunities during the summers.

Q4. What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

Concentrate on the math, and especially science classes throughout your school years, and job shadow as much as possible.

Q5.  Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor.

As an engineer in the Land Development industry, it is always gratifying to see subdivision roads advancing through the asphalting stage. This is a major milestone to the project, and one worth celebrating each time. This is especially important in Tennessee where the yearly paving window is shortened, because of the cold winter climate.

Q6. Why is professional licensure important to you?

Because it establishes credibility, as a trusted resource in the engineering and surveying fields, as problems and solutions are discussed.

April 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Marcus Hooker, Jr., P.E., P.S.

Marcus Hooker, Jr., P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Marcus Hooker, Jr..   Marcus is a graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  He has been licensed in the State of Mississippi for more than 20 years having been licensed as a PE in 2002 and as a PS in 1999.  He works with Hooker Engineering in Greenville, Mississippi.   

Learn more about Marcus and why professional licensure is important to him below:

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering and/or surveying?

I began working on a survey crew when my father purchased his engineering and survey business in 1985. Every break from school, I had the opportunity work in different areas of the business.  Also, in high school, I really preferred math and science courses, so majoring in engineering in college just seemed like a great fit.

Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses? 

I was licensed as a Professional Land Surveyor in January of 1999 and as a Professional Engineer in January 2002.  I am also a dual licensee in Arkansas, since May 2002.

Q3.  What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

When you get to choose electives, select business and accounting classes and other courses that will give you a bigger picture view.   Extend your college education as far as possible and realize that learning is just beginning when you graduate from college.

Q4.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

Take all of the STEM classes available to you. You can never have too many math and science courses, they will all serve you well, regardless of your future plans.  There are a lot of rewarding opportunities in the Engineering and Surveying fields, just find what you are most interested in pursuing and you can have a fulfilling career.

Q5. Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor. 

I recently began working on a new roadway project.  The project involves many aspects of boundary and topographic surveying and roadway, utility, geotechnical and construction engineering.  These types of projects touch on many of the classes that I took in college and cover a broad scope of services. In this project, we will take an empty field and create a new corridor that will enhance the transportation system in our community.

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you? 

Licensure establishes a high standard for individuals offering Engineering and Surveying services. If that individual is practicing in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct, one should know that the licensee is working with a primary obligation to protect the safety, health and welfare of the public by only performing work they are competent to undertake.

March 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Matthew Warren Miller, P.E., P.S.

Matthew Warren Miller

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee Matthew Warren Miller.  Matthew is a graduate of Mississippi State University where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering.  He has been licensed in the State of Mississippi since 2007 as a PE and 2011 as a PS.  He currently serves as a Vice President with Benchmark Engineering & Surveying, LLC. 

Learn more about Matthew and why professional licensure is important to him below:

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering and/or surveying?

As a child I always liked building things and working in the construction industry.  As I grew, I saw engineering school as a way to learn more about these areas of life, while providing me the option to enter either into a field of construction or design engineering.  Surveying became much more of an interest of mine as I worked in the construction field and assisted with the technical layout of projects.

Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses? 

I have been licensed in Mississippi for 14 years and currently do not hold licenses in any other states.

Q3.  What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

Take the time to truly visit with my elders and learn all that I can from them.  Slow down, enjoy life, and don’t be in such of a hurry at times.

Q4.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

STEM careers such as these can offer you multiple options for final career choices once you've finished with school, and can be extremely satisfying careers.  While sometimes the process may seem difficult, continue working hard and following your dream.  Always remember, there is no substitution for hard work.

Q5. Tell us about a recent project you worked on that exemplifies why you love being an engineer and / or surveyor. 

While I have worked on many interesting projects over the past several years, some of the most rewarding aspects of my work has been working with municipalities in improving their standards and requirements for construction within their city and/or county limits.  It all seems to come together, all of the hard work and sacrifice over the years, when you are able to combine the knowledge that has been acquired, with the lessons learned to assist a client in developing ways to ensure that future work will continue to improve and become better for the safety, and welfare of the general public.

Q6.  Why is professional licensure important to you? 

Professional licensure is important as a whole as it helps set the standard for what we are held to each and every day.  We have the opportunity as engineers and surveyors to impact many lives, both professionally, morally and ethically, and licensure is one way to protect these invaluable aspects of engineering and surveying.  It truly is one of the highest honors as an engineer and/or surveyor to have the P.E. or P.L.S. behind your name, and licensure helps protect this honor as well.

January 2021 Dual Licensee Spotlight: William Ray Balentine, P.E., P.S.

William Ray Balentine, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a spotlight on dual licensee William Ray Balentine.  Ray received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Mississippi State University and currently serves as a Vice President with Michael Baker International in their Ridgeland, MS office. Ray demonstrates a true commitment to professional licensure having been been licensed in the State of Mississippi for more than 30 years.  We are both impressed and humbled by his dedication to not only the engineering and surveying professions but also to ensuring the safety and well being of Mississippians.

Learn more about Ray below:

Q1.  Why did you choose engineering and/or surveying?

My father was a bridge builder and I grew up around the construction industry.  His work generated my interest in engineering and he always encouraged me as I pursued it for a career.

Q2.  How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses? 

I was licensed in Mississippi as a PE in 1982 and as a PLS in 1984.  I am also licensed in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.

Q3.  What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

Great question.  I think that I would tell my younger self, as I now tell new employees, to find what you are passionate about.  Your career should be about something that you can find joy and fulfillment from doing every day.  I have been blessed to do that in my career, but it would have been nice to know I was on the right track as a young guy!

Q4.  What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

There are great opportunities in both engineering and surveying.  I always stress the importance of pursuing your license in these fields.  It not only enhances our professions, it just generates so much more opportunities as individuals.  Our profession has so many possibilities that you can find a spot that you love and feel like you are contributing something significant.

Q5.  Why is professional licensure important to you? 

For our profession, licensure is critical.  As a profession, engineers and surveyors impact the quality of life for society.  While there are some areas you can work without a license, your opportunities are incredibly greater when you have it.  It not only provides a sense of accomplishment, it just commands a great level of respect from the general public.

December 2020 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Jeffery W. Williams, P.E., P.S.

Jeffery W. Williams, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a light on dual licensee Jeffery W. Williams.  Williams attended both Northwest Mississippi Community College and the University of Mississippi where he received an Associates Degree and Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, respectively,  He owns Williams Engineering Consultants, Inc. located in Oxford, Mississippi.  

More of our conversation with Jeffery is provided below:

Q1. Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

"I love building things.  I started work for an Engineering Firm between my sophomore and Junior years of High School.  I knew that's what I wanted to do."

Q2. How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses?

"I received my Professional Engineer license in Mississippi 1995 and Professional Surveyor license in 2001,  I am also licensed as a Professional Engineer in the States of Tennessee (2008) and Alabama (2001).  

Q3. What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

"Always maintain confidence in your choices.  Understand that a career is more than making money; it's something you should look forward to doing on a daily basis.

Q4. What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"I have spoken to a lot of young people about career choices.  I always ask what their motives are for choosing one or both of these careers.  I always end with "if you wake up in the morning and dread going to work, you have chosen the wrong path".  Be happy and you will be prosperous; mentally and monetarily."

 Q5. Why is professional licensure important to you?

"Professional Licensure is a privilege that one earns by grinding out the education and experience one much complete.  Being a Licensed Professional sets you apart and gives confidence to those looking for services you may offer.  It is also a since of accomplishment of all of the blood sweat and tears you have endured."

October 2020 Dual Licensee Spotlight: Chris Nail, P.E., P.S.

Chris Nail, P.E., P.S.

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors would like to shine a light on dual licensee Chris Nail.  Chris has both a professional engineer and a professional surveyor license.  He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1996 and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Kansas State University in 2009.

We are doubly impressed with Chris and are thrilled that he is our first dual licensee recognition.  Read on for more of our conversation with Chris below:

Q1. Why did you choose engineering or surveying?

"I chose civil engineering because I enjoy designing and building various things, and I also enjoy being outside.  The first 20 years of my career was spent in the MDOT Newton Project Office as the CAD & surveying coordinator, a project manager, and a project engineer.  That experience afforded me the opportunity to work in the office and in the field."

Q2. How long have you been licensed in the State of Mississippi and do you also hold other state licenses?

"I received my Professional Engineer license in 2000 followed by my Professional Surveyor license in 2002."

Q3. What advice would you give to your younger self (HS grad, college grad, etc)?

"I could offer a lot of advice to my younger self.  For high school and college education I would advise my younger self to find a good study group.  Study groups are very valuable because everyone has something to offer and everyone has something to gain.  Teaching others helps you to learn more about the subject because you have to know the ins and outs of the topic in order properly explain it.  In addition, I would advise my younger self to dig deeper into the subjects that I’m studying – whether in school or in my professional career – in order to make sure I fully understand the related concepts." 

Q4. What would you say to young people, who might be interested in STEM careers such as engineering or surveying?

"Engineering and surveying are rewarding careers in many ways.  Both careers involve making the world a better place through design and construction.  Many engineering disciplines and most surveying disciplines involve outdoor work, and that is very nice for those that enjoy being outside.  In addition, engineering and surveying fields typically offer very good salaries which is good for your family."

 Q5. Why is professional licensure important to you?

"Professional licensure is important to me because it insures that practitioners meet an expected standard of performance and protects the safety and welfare of the people of the world.  As licensed professionals we’re required to accumulate professional development hours which provide refreshers, introduction to new concepts, and further skill development."