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The official website of the State of Mississippi

The agency is experiencing a personnel shortage.  We strongly recommend the use of a NCEES record to help expedite the processing of your application for licensure.

Sign up for our Text Notifications by texting "PEPLS" to 844-328-7575 and REPLY to the prompt with your First/Last Name 

Licensure Renewals

construction workers w/ face mask

Renewal of your professional license in the State of Mississippi

All new licenses expire on December 31st of the year in which they are initially issued, if not renewed.  At the time that new licenses are renewed, they will be moved to the biennial renewal system.  All other licenses expire on December 31st of their biennial renewal year, if not renewed.  If trying to Renew, please click here.

Online Licensure renewal will begin on October 1st of each year and continue through December 31st.  Late renewal occurs after December 31st.  Currently, expired license renewals will continue to be accepted through June 30th of the following year (with the appropriate late fee).

Our system will process ONLINE licensure renewals for both individuals AND for COA's (firms).

All renewals (Licensees and Firms) MUST be completed online.

You MUST have obtained ALL of your continuing education PDH's prior to the start of the renewal season and you will be required to enter in your continuing education PDH’s into the online system in order to renew for the applicable year.

Instructions for entering your continuing education PDH’s are posted at the bottom of the Forms and Other Documents page of this website; and again inside of the licensing portal.


  • - A firm's COA cannot be renewed for any given year until AFTER the designated licensee for the firm has renewed his individual license for that year.
    - Individuals renewing online October 1 through December 31 will be $70.00 per license.
    - Firms renewing their COA online October 1 through December 31 will be $100.00 per COA.
    - For renewal of an expired license, a 10% per month late fee is assessed for a max of 6 months, after which reinstatement or re-licensure is required.

Renewal notices will no longer be mailed out, therefore it is imperative that you maintain a current email address in our database in order to receive crucial information and instructions communicated via E-mail from the Board.

Renewal notices will be posted to our website and social media accounts as well as text notification system at the start of and throughout each renewal system.

If you have not done so already, we encourage you to sign-up for text notifications.

Sign up for our Text Notifications by texting "PEPLS" to 844-328-7575 and REPLY to the prompt with your First/Last Name