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The official website of the State of Mississippi

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Effective FY26 (July 1, 2025), our Agency will be 100% paperless! Please ensure your contact information is up to date to stay informed about this transition and receive future communications.

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The Rules and Regulations shall be binding upon every person holding a certificate of licensure as Professional Engineer or Professional Surveyor and on all firms, partnerships or corporations or other legal entities authorized to offer or perform engineering or surveying services in this State. Each licensee is charged with having knowledge of the existence of the Rules and Regulations and shall be deemed to be familiar with its several provisions and to understand them.

To access a copy of the rules and regulations click on the link below:

Rules & Regulations - January 1, 2025 (subject to final approval by the OLRC)

Rules & Regulations - July 1, 2023

Rules & Regulations - January 1, 2020