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The official website of the State of Mississippi

The agency is experiencing a personnel shortage.  We strongly recommend the use of a NCEES record to help expedite the processing of your application for licensure.

Sign up for our Text Notifications by texting "PEPLS" to 844-328-7575 and REPLY to the prompt with your First/Last Name 

Fee Schedule

Fees are payable to the Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors and must be made by check or money order and upon availability, by credit card or echeck online at the Board’s website.

Checks or online payments returned for insufficient funds will result in an additional charge and applications received without the proper fee will not be processed.

The Board has adopted fees for the following items:

  1. Applications
  2. Examinations
  3. Verification Fee
  4. Reproduction Fee
  5. Renewal of licensure
  6. Renewal of dual licensures
  7. Roster
  8. Processing Fee
  9. Mailing List
  10. Replacement or Duplicate Certificate
  11. Insufficient funds checks
  12. Licensure Fees

Once an application has been accepted for processing, there will be no refund of the application fee.

You can access the current fee schedule at the following link:

Current fee schedule