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The official website of the State of Mississippi

The agency is experiencing a personnel shortage.  We strongly recommend the use of a NCEES record to help expedite the processing of your application for licensure.

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Public Outreach

Presentation Request

People having a meeting

In addition to its roles in regulation, licensure and enforcement, the Board also has a public outreach function.

  • Board members and agency staff speak to students about the engineering and surveying professions, the benefits of choosing them as a career path and the importance and responsibility of professional licensure for both engineers and surveyors.
  • They explain the path to licensure for those further along in their education.
  • They speak to the public regarding the public service and protection role of licensure.
  • They also speak with licensees and others in related professions about proper practice as defined by Mississippi statutes and rules, and they answer questions regarding the complaint process.

Requesting a Board member speak to your middle or high school class, college students or association is as simple as providing topic, date (or date range), audience and length of presentation information in a communication to the Board office. The Board will do its best to fulfill all such requests, based on availability. 

Contacting the Board with your Speaking Request

Provide the following initial information:

  • Topic (if specific to a profession, list profession)
  • Name of your organization
  • Audience (students? professionals? the public?)
  • Name and date of the event, or date range if request is not tied to an event
  • Length (how much time is set aside for the presentation?

Email your request to or call 601.359.6161.