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Tue, 11/26/2024 - 00:00

Gilmore speaks to studentsOn November 20, 2024, Executive Director Monica Gilmore spoke to students in the Ocean Engineering program at the University of Southern Mississippi.  Ms. Gilmore was invited to speak to students by Assistant Professor Gero Nootz, PhD of the Division of Marine Science, School of Ocean Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Mississippi.  


In class studentsMs. Gilmore along with agency staff member Pamela Shields spoke to students about the licensure process including the three E's of Licensure:

  • Education
  • Exam
  • Experience

Ms. Gilmore also discussed resources available to students on the NCEES website (  



Agency staff was also given a tour of the Ocean Engineering laboratory.USM lab photo

Learn more about the USM Ocean Engineering program at the following link: